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Bail represents one of the measures to ensure the presence of the suspect oraccused and the successful conduct of criminal proceedings. This paper analyzesthe quality of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian (hereinafter: BiH) norm forstandardizing the bail, and as a hypothesis that was tested, the statement wasdefined that the bail is not well standardized in...

By Maja Iveljić, Dževad Mahmutović, Vedad Gurda

Kroz ovaj rad prikazuje se uticaj usvajanja nekoliko zakona na sudski sistem uEngleskoj. Ovi zakoni su oblikovali sudski sistem i svaki je doprinio onome štodanas zovemo moderni sudski sistem Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Prvi zakon kojise u radu obrađuje je bio Zakon o nagodbi iz 1701. godine koji je donio većunezavisnost sudovima. Nakon toga u ...

By Haris Silajdžić

This paper deals with problem of hooliganism, which attracts the attentionof not only sports public, but also the largest state authorities. Although the firstexample of misbehavior at football matches dates back to the late XIX century,the problem escalated during the 1980s. This paper explains the origins ofhooliganism primarily in Great Britain,...

By Mirza Totić

Records of processing activities or so-called procedure logs often are animportant basis to understand data flows and risks. At a first glance art. 30GDPR makes the impression that records of processing activities are created fordocumentary reasons to feed supervisory authorities. According to art. 30 IVGDPR records of processing activities have to...

By Darko Samardžić

University of Zenica