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Review paper


Hamid Mutapčić
Hamid Mutapčić

University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Postojeći sukob odredaba zemljišnoknjižnog i stvarnog prava u pogledu
pravnih pravila o uknjižbi i njenom konstitutivnom, odnosno deklarativnom
dejstvu, te u pogledu pravnih pravila o zaštiti povjerenja, generira pojavu
različitih shvatanja. Takva shvatanja mogu usloviti i pojavu neujednačenog
načina postupanja u procesu primjene prava. Stoga se pitanje mjerodavnog
(relevantnog) prava u materiji sticanja prava na nekretninama, ističe kao jedno
od najsloženijih pitanja u ovoj materiji. Primjenom dogmatskog, teleološkog,
te uporednopravnog metoda, u radu je izvršena analiza važećih zakonskih
rješenja, a zatim je, na temelju takve analize, utvrđena i njihova sveukupna
reformska iskoristivost.

The existing conflict between the provisions of land registry and real law
with regard to the legal rules on registration and its constitutive, i.e. declarative
effect, and with regard to the legal rules on the protection of trust, generates
the appearance of different understandings. Such understandings can cause the
appearance of an uneven way of acting in the process of applying the law.
Therefore, the issue of the applicable (relevant) law in the matter of acquisition
rights to real estate stands out as one of the most complex issues in this matter.
By applying the dogmatic, teleological, and comparative law method, the
paper analyzed the valid legal solutions, and then, based on such an analysis,
their overall reform potency was determined.


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