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Research article


Dženan Kulović ,
Dženan Kulović

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Spaso Kuzman ,
Spaso Kuzman

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Šeherzada Šakić
Šeherzada Šakić

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of managerial competencies
on the business success of the company during the COVID-19 pandemic.
It explores the role of managerial knowledge, skills, abilities and other
capabilities play in the business success that companies achieve during the
pandemic. By analyzing the relationship between managerial competencies and
business success during COVID-19 crisis the research aimed to demonstrate
how the business outcomes of a company greatly depend on developed
managerial competencies. In order to prove this claim, the company’s business
performance was measured by the BEX index and the DF indicator, while
correlation and regression analysis were used to determine the influence of
managerial competencies on business success. The obtained results confirm
that the results achieved by companies statistically significantly depend on the
level of development of managerial competencies, and that companies with
higher quality managerial personnel achieved better business results in the
researched period.

Cilj ovog rada je istražiti utjecaj menadžerskih kompetencija na poslovnu
uspješnost preduzeća tokom pandemije COVID-19. Fokus je na istraživanju
uloge koju menadžerska znanja, vještine, sposobnosti i druge karakteristike
imaju u poslovnih rezultatima koje kompanije ostvaruju tokom pandemije.
Analizirajući odnos između menadžerskih kompetencija i poslovne
uspješnosti tokom krize izazvane virusom COVID-19, istraživanje je imalo
za cilj pokazati kako poslovni rezultati poduzeća uveliko ovise o nivou
razvijenosti menadžerskih kompetencija. Kako bi se dokazala ova tvrdnja,
poslovna uspješnost preduzeća mjerena je BEX indeksom i DF indeksom,
dok je korelacionom i regresionom analizom utvrđen utjecaj menadžerskih
kompetencija na poslovnu uspješnost. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju da rezultati
koje postižu preduzeća statistički značajno ovise o stupnju razvijenosti
menadžerskih kompetencija, te da su preduzeća s kvalitetnijim menadžerskim
kadrom u posmatranom razdoblju postigla bolje poslovne rezultate.



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