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Review paper


Maja Iveljić ,
Maja Iveljić

University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Amar Lukavačkić
Amar Lukavačkić

University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Imovinski kriminalitet čine sva krivična djela usmjerena protiv imovine,
gdje počinilac nastoji da sebi ili drugom pribavi protivpravnu imovinsku
korist ili da nekom prouzrokuje štetu. Pravo na imovinu jedno je od osnovnih
ljudskih prava koje uživa ustavno-pravnu i međunarodnu zaštitu. Autori se
u radu bave osnovnim pojmovima koji se tiču imovinskog kriminaliteta, te
zakonskom regulacijom krivičnog djela krađe u zakonodavstvu Federacije
Bosne i Hercegovine, Republike Srpske i Brčko distrikta Bosne i Hercegovine.
Provedeno je i empirijsko istraživanje, gdje su uzorak činili 628 punoljetnih
osoba koje su optužene za počinjenje krivičnog djela krađe na području
Tuzlanskog kantona za period od 2018. do 2021. godine. Radi se o podacima,
koji su ustupljeni od strane Federalnog zavoda za statistiku Federacije Bosne i
Hercegovine. Varijable koje su korištene u istraživanju su: udio broja optuženih
osoba za krivično djelo krađe u ukupnom broju optuženih osoba za krivična
djela protiv imovine na području Tuzlanskog kantona, vrsta odluke, spol, bračni
status, radni status, ranija osuđivanost, godine starosti, dužina trajanja izrečene
kazne zatvora, iznos izrečene novčane kazne i izrečena sudska opomena.

Property crime consists of all criminal offences directed against property,
where the perpetrator tries to obtain illegally property gain for himself or
others or to cause damage to someone. The right to property is one of the basic
human rights that enjoys constitutional, legal and international protection. In
the paper, the authors deal with the basic concepts related to property crime,
and the legal regulation of the criminal offence of theft in the legislation of
the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska and Brčko
District of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Empirical research was also conducted,
where the sample consisted of 628 adults who were accused of committing the
crime of theft in the area of Tuzla Canton for the period from 2018 to 2021.
These are data provided by the Federal Bureau of Statistics of the Federation
of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The variables used in the research are: the share
of the number of accused persons for the criminal offence of theft in the total
number of accused persons for criminal offences against property in the area
of Tuzla Canton, type of decision, gender, marital status, work status, previous
convictions, age, length of imposed prison sentences, the imposed fine and the
imposed court warning.


This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 

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