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Research article


Ekatarina Davidović
Ekatarina Davidović

University Clinical Center Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Krivična djela protiv braka, porodice i mladeži, a naročito krivično djelo
Nasilje u porodici kao najčešći pojavni oblik, velikom brzinom postaju dio
svakodnevnice u regionu, u Bosni i Hercegovini, pa tako i u Tuzlanskom kantonu
kao najmnogoljudnijem u Federaciji BiH. Iz pravosnažnih sudskih odluka
Opštinskog suda i Kantonalnog suda u Tuzli proizilazi da oštećeni krivičnim
djelima protiv braka, porodice i mladeži propisanim u Glavi XX Krivičnog
zakona Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine nisu adekvatno krivičnopravno zaštićeni,
iako su ova protivpravna ponašanja nizom zakona i ratifikovanih konvencija
posebno tretirana. Usljed naprijed navedenog, autor je pronašao motiv za
provođenje istraživanja koje je obrađeno u ovom radu. Ciljevi predmetnog
istraživanja su: dobijanje detaljnih podataka o aktuelnoj kaznenoj politici
prethodno pomenutih sudova pri primjeni trenutno važećih krivičnopravnih
normi; davanje prijedloga za dogradnju postojećeg sistema zaštite, a kojim
dogradnjama će se postići svrsishodnija primjena postojećih zakonskih rješenja,
te time generalna i specijalna prevencija. Analizirani su podaci koji se odnose na
broj lica procesiuranih u postupcima u periodu 2016. – 2020. godine, vrste
sudskih odluka, podaci o sankcijama koje su ovi sudovi izricali. Takođe, obrađeni
su i podaci koji se odnose na starosnu i polnu strukturu, ali i na druge lične
osobine procesuiranih lica, te podaci o polnoj strukturi oštećenih lica. Rezultati
istraživanja pokazali su da opservirani sudovi češće pribjegavaju izricanju mjere
upozorenja u vidu uslovne osude, nego novčanim kaznama ili kaznama zatvora,
a što u konačnici dovodi do velikog broja povratnika u vršenju ovih krivičnih
djela, što ukazuje da se ne ostvaruje efekat generalne i specijalne prevencije.
Autor je u radu dao više prijedloga za dogradnju postojećih sistema zaštite
oštećenih, smatrajući da je postojeći zakonski okvir adekvatan prirodi i pojavnim
oblicima ovih krivičnih djela, ali da postojeći sistem zaštite ne omogućuje
adekvatnu i svrsishodnu primjenu zakonskih rješenja. 

Criminal acts against marriage, family and youth, particularly domestic violence
as the most common form are rapidly becoming a part of everyday life in the
region, in Bosnia and Herzegovina and as well as in the most populous canton in
the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tuzla Canton.The legally valid court
decisions brought by the Municipal Court in Tuzla and the Cantonal Court in
Tuzla show that victims of crimes against marriage, family and youth stipulated
in Title XX of the Criminal Law of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
are not adequately protected under criminal law, even though these illegal
behaviors are specially treated by a series of laws and ratified conventions. This
gave the author of the article the motivation for the research presented. The aims
of this research are as follows: to obtain detailed data on the current criminal
policy of the abovementioned courts when applying currently valid criminal law
norms and to provide suggestions for upgrading the existing protection system,
which would enable a more relevant implementation of the existing legal
solutions and consequently general and special prevention. The analyzed data
refer to the number of persons prosecuted in proceedings in the period 2016 -
2020, types of court decisions, and sanctions imposed by these courts. The data
also included the facts about age and gender structure and other personal
characteristics of the prosecuted persons, as well as the information on the gender
structure of the injured persons. The research results showed that the observed
courts impose a warning measure in the form of a suspended sentence more often
than fines or prison sentences. This ultimately leads to a large number of repeat
offenders for these crimes, which indicates that the effect of general and special
prevention is not achieved. In the article, the author made several suggestions for
upgrading the existing protection systems for the injured, considering that the
existing legal framework is adequate to the nature and forms of these crimes, but
that the existing protection system does not provide adequate and expedient
implementation of legal solutions. 


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