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Review paper


Adis Poljić
Adis Poljić

University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Predmet rada je uloga suda u teretu dokazivanja u parničnom postupku.
Iako je teret dokazivanja primarno na strankama, uloga suda u parničnom
postupku nalaže da poduzima radnje kojima će omogućiti strankama da iznosu
sve pravno relevantne činjenice, predlože i izvedu dokaze za dokazivanje tih
činjenica. S obzirom na namjeru da Bosna i Hercegovina postane članica
Evropske unije, i da je potrebno da uskladi pravo s pravom Evropske unije, u
radu se pored domaćeg prava analizira i pravo Evropske unije. Cilj istraživanja
je ukazati na koji način sud postupa u vezi tereta dokazivanja, koja su njegova
ovlaštenja i kako se postupanje suda reflektuje na pravni položaj stranaka. Do
cilja istraživanja se došlo primjenom prije svega normativne metode kojom se
proučavalo i ispitalo pravo Bosne i Hercegovine i Evropske unije. Pored ove
metode u radu su korištene metoda sinteze na osnovu koje je ukazano na osnove
o teretu dokazivanju kako bi se razumjela njegova priroda i deduktivna metoda
na osnove koje je istraživanje započeto, na osnovu opštih saznanja o teretu
dokazivanja. Na osnovu istraživanja došlo se do saznanja da su u Bosni i
Hercegovini stranke dužne iznijeti procesnu građu i kada sud ustanovi da
pojedina stranka nije iznijela pravno relevantne činjenice ili da ih nije dokazala,
sud ne smije postavljati pitanja kojima bi na stranku uticao da iznese i dokaže
pravno relevantne činjenice. U pravu Evropske unije, u postupku za izdavanje
evropskog platnog naloga i evropskog postupka za sporove male vrijednosti, sud
je dužan poduzimati radnje kojima će uticati na tužioca da dokaže pravno
relevantne činjenice, što je na štetu tuženog. Ovakvim postupanjem dolazi do
nejednakosti parničnih stranaka. 

The subject of the paper is the role of the court in the burden of proof in
civil proceedings. Although the burden of proof is primarily on the parties, the
role of the court in civil proceedings dictates that it undertakes actions that will
enable the parties to gather all legally relevant facts, propose and produce
evidence to prove those facts. Considering the intention of Bosnia and
Herzegovina to become a member of the European Union, and that it needs to
harmonize the law with the law of the European Union, in addition to the
domestic law, the law of the European Union is analyzed in the paper. The goal
of the research is to show how the court acts in relation to the burden of proof,
what are its powers and how the court's actions reflect on the legal position of the
parties. The aim of the research was reached by applying, first of all, the
normative method by which the law of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European
Union was studied and examined. In addition to this method, the paper used a
synthesis method based on which the basics of the burden of proof were pointed
out in order to understand its nature and a deductive method on the basis of which
the research was started, based on general knowledge about the burden of proof.
Based on the research, it was found out that in Bosnia and Herzegovina the parties
are obliged to present procedural materials and when the court finds that an
individual party did not present legally relevant facts or did not prove them, the
court may not ask questions that would influence the party to present and prove
legally relevant facts. In the law of the European Union, in the procedure for
issuing the European payment order and the European small claims procedure,
the court is obliged to take actions that will influence the plaintiff to prove legally
relevant facts, which is to the detriment of the defendant. Such behavior leads to
inequality between litigants.


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