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Admir Muharem
Admir Muharem

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Autor u radu razmatra pitanje kažnjavanja učinitelja ubistava, čime u
suštini načinje dosta kompleksnu oblast, koja se s jedne strane ogleda u
krivičnom djelu ubistva kao najdestruktivnijem ljudskom djelovanju, a sa druge
strane u kažnjavanju, kao pokazatelju kaznene politike sudstva. U prvom dijelu
rada autor se bavi zakonskim odrebama kazne, kažnjavanja i krivičnog djela
ubistva. Posebnu pažnju usmjerava na zakonske mogućnosti ublažavanja kazni,
ali i ograničenja ublažavanja kazne. Tu se prije svega bavi zakonskim uvjetima
prema kojima se kazna može ublažiti. U drugom dijelu rada, autor nastoji doći
do spoznaje o kaznenoj politici Kantonalnih sudova u Sarajevu i Zenici prilikom
kažnjavanja učinitelja ubistava, te u cilju toga analizira podatke iz pravosnažnih
sudskih presuda izrečenih od strane navedenih sudova. Analizom kažnjavanja
učinitelja ubistava od strane Kantonalnog suda u Sarajevu i Zenici u vremenskom
periodu od 2005-2014 godine, autor iznosi korisne podatke koji se odnose na
ukupan broj izrečenih kazni prema učiniteljima ubistva za posmatrani vremenski
period, visinu izrečenih kazni i ublaženih kazni. Pri analiziranju kažnjavanja
učinitelja ubistava, autor dolazi do spoznaje da se većina izrečenih kazni zatvora
prema učiniteljima pokušaja ubistva kreće ispod posebnog minimuma i pri tome
iznosi svoje gledište ukupne situacije. Ukupno stanje kaznene politike pomenutih
sudova prema učiniteljima ubistava, autor posmatra kroz prizmu zakonskih
odredbi o svrsi krivičnopravnih sankcija i kažnjavanja, gdje uočava određene
proturječnosti. U završnoj napomeni autor ukazuje potrebu preispitivanja
aktuelne kaznene politike prema učiniteljima ubistva, kao i zakonskih odredbi i
pri tome nudi određena rješenja, a sve u cilju unapređenja efikasnosti kaznene
politike sudova.

In this paper, the author discusses the issue of punishing perpetrators of
murders, which in essence makes a very complex area, which from one point of
view is reflected in the crime of murder as the most destructive human action,
and on the other in punishment as an indicator of the penal policy of the judiciary.
In the first part of this paper, the author deals with the legal provisions of
punishment, punishment, and the crime of murder. The author pays special
attention to the legal possibilities of mitigation of sentences, but also the
limitations of mitigation of punishment. First of all, it deals with the legal
conditions under which the sentence can be reduced. The second part of this paper
is aimed at finding knowledge about the penal policy of the Cantonal Courts in
Sarajevo and Zenica in punishing the perpetrators of murders, and in this regard
analyzes the data from final court judgments handed down by these courts. By
analyzing the punishment of murderers by the Cantonal Court in Sarajevo and
Zenica from the period 2005-to 2014, the author presents useful data related to
the total number of sentences imposed on murderers for the observed period, the
amount of those sentences, and reduced sentences. While analyzing the
punishment of perpetrators of murders, the author realizes that most of the
sentences imposed on perpetrators of attempted murder are below the special
minimum, and thus presents his point of view on the overall situation. The author
observes the overall state of the penal policy of the mentioned courts towards the
perpetrators of murders through the prism of legal provisions on the purpose of
criminal sanctions and punishments, where he notices certain contradictions. In
the final note, the author expresses the need to review the current penal policy
towards the perpetrators of murder, as well as legal provisions, while offering
certain solutions, all to improve the efficiency of the penal policy of the courts.


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