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Amina Hasanica
Amina Hasanica

Faculty of Law, University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Razvoj međunarodne trgovine je pratio i razvoj međunarodnog trgovačkog
prava, koje se razvijalo s ciljem pružanja pravnog okvira koji bi uzeo u obzir
međunarodni karakter transakcija, te potrebu za jednostavnijim i efikasnijim
načinima poslovanja. U kreiranju takvog pravnog okvira, važnu ulogu je odigralo
autonomno trgovačko pravo, koje se razvijalo od prvobitnih trgovačkih običaja,
pa do kodifikacije u uzanse i na kraju dovelo do nastanka formularnog prava, koje
ima poseban značaj u savremenim međunarodnim transakcijama. Međunarodna
trgovačka komora u Parizu je uvidjela značaj formularnog prava za neometan
razvoj međunarodne trgovine, pa je 1936. godine usvojila INCOTERMS termine/
klauzule koje služe lakšoj alokaciji rizika i troškova između ugovornih strana u
ugovorima o međunarodnoj prodaji robe. INCOTERMS klauzule su od 1936.
godine revidirane nekoliko puta, a posljednja verzija je iz 2020. godine. Danas
se smatraju najznačajnim standardiziranim terminima u međunarodnoj trgovini,
koje ugovorne strane najčešće koriste prilikom regulisanja svojih ugovornih

The development of international trade has been closely accompanied by the
evolution of international commercial law, which has evolved with the aim of
providing a legal framework that considers the international nature of transactions
and the need for more straightforward and efficient business methods. In creating
such a legal framework, a significant role has been played by autonomous
commercial law, which has developed from initial trade customs to codification
in practices and eventually led to the emergence of formulary law, which holds
a special significance in modern international transactions. The International
Chamber of Commerce in Paris recognized the importance of formulary law
for the unhindered development of international trade and, in 1936, adopted the
INCOTERMS terms/clauses to facilitate the allocation of risks and costs between
contractual parties in international sales contracts. The INCOTERMS clauses
have been revised several times since 1936, with the latest version dating back
to 2020. Today, they are considered the most significant standardized terms
in international trade, commonly used by contracting parties to regulate their
contractual relationships.



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