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Review paper


Lidija Zulić
Lidija Zulić

University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Privrednim subjektima, prirodno motivisanim za što većim sticanjem dobiti, kao
i samim povećanjem plasmana i prodaje proizvoda, nije dozvoljeno poduzimanje
mjera i radnji kojima će se drugi tržišni akteri dovesti u neravnopravan položaj.
Postoje tri osnova oblika narušavanja prava konkurencije, dok je za potrebe ovog
rada u poseban fokus stavljen proces koncentracije privrednih subjekata. Ovaj
proces može biti ostvaren na različite načine te ga, samim tim, prati izuzetno
veliki broj specifičnosti koje moraju biti uzete u obzir, odnosno sagledane na
pravi način i iz više konteksta, da bi se pravilno procjenio njegov uticaj na
tržišnu strukturu. Zbog toga se nacionalnim zakonodavstvima propisuju jasne
procedure za koncentraciju privrednih subjekata, nastojeći na takav način pružiti
adekvatnu i potpunu zaštitu tržišta i svih njegovih sudionika. Obzirom da je
Bosna i Hercegovina direktno upućena na tržište Evropske unije, u fokus ovog
rada stavljen je detaljan prikaz strukture, odnosno legislativnog i institucionalnog
okvira prava konkurencije i koncentracije privrednih subjekata na području
Evropske unije i Bosne i Hercegovine.

Business entities, naturally motivated by making a bigger profit, as well as
improving placement and disposal of the their product, are not allowed to make
steps that will lead other business actors to a inferior position. There are three
main forms of violating the law of competition, but for the needs of this paper
main focus was put on the merger control of business entities. This proces can be
achived in different ways and because of that, is followed by enormous number
of specifities, which need to be taken in to considiration, that is to be percived in
the right way and in many contexts, in order to correctly estimate it’s effect on the
market structure. Consequently, national legislations are given clear procedures
for merger control of business entities, and by that aspire for adequate and whole
protection of the market and of all participants. Because Bosnia and Herzegovinais
directly involved in the market of European Union, in the focus of this paper was
put a detailed structural display, that is legislative and institutional frame for the
law of competition and merger control of business entities in the European Union
and Bosnia and Herzegovina.



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