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Review paper


Emir Sudžuka
Emir Sudžuka

Univerzitet Vitez, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Klasična podjela pravnih poslova na formalne i neformalne u modernom
ugovornom pravu dobila je novu dimenziju uvođenjem u pozitivna zakonodavstva
nacionalnih pravnih sistema novih formi pravnih poslova, a kojima je često
uslovljena i valjanost takvih poslova. Uvođenjem latinskog tipa notarijata u pravni
sistem Bosne i Hercegovine zakonodavac je izdvojio određene pravne poslove
u oblasti stvarnog prava, porodičnog i nasljednog prava, te prava privrednih
društava i njihovu pravnu valjanost uslovio formom notarski obrađene isprave.
Ovakva rješenja entitetskih zakona kao i zakona u Brčko Distriktu koji uređuju
službu notara od početka primjene su izazivala javne polemike ali i stručne
diskusije među pripadnicima različitih pravničkih profesija. Kao posljednica
navedenih diskusija, pojedine odredbe ovih zakona, uključujući i one koje
uređuju formu izdvojenih pravnih poslova (uključujući ugovore koji za predmet
imaju promet nekretnina), bile su predmetom ocjene ustavnosti pred entitetskim
ustavnim sudovima. Ustavni sud Federacije BiH i Ustavni sud Republike Srpske
odlučujući po zahtjevima za ocjenu ustavnosti odredbe zakona o notarima kojima
je propisana obaveza forma notarski obrađene isprave za pravne poslove čiji je
predmet prenos ili sticanje vlasništva ili drugih stvarnih prava na nekretninama
su zauzeli različite stavove. Ustavni sud Republike Srpske je odbacio prijedlog
za utvrđivanje neustavnosti između ostalog i člana 68, tada važećeg Zakona o
notarima Republike Srpske koje uređuje pitanje obavezne forme, dok je Ustavni
sud Federacije BiH odlučio da, između ostalih i član 73., još uvijek važećeg
Zakon o notarima FBiH nije u skladu sa Ustavom. Ovakvim odlukama sudova,
pitanje forme ugovora o prometu nekretnina dobilo je različito interpretiranje
i stepen obaveznosti u dva entiteta istog pravnog sistema, i time dalo doprinos
pravnoj nesigurnosti građana i investitora. Predmet ovog rada je analiza važećih
propisa koji uređuju pitanje forme ugovora o prometu nekretnina u pravnom
sistemu Bosne i Hercegovine kao i uloga notarijata kao javne službe u povećanju
stepena pravne sigurnosti i zaštite stranaka u ugovorima koji za predmet imaju

The classic division of legal transactions into formal and informal in modern
contract law gained a new dimension by introducing into the positive legislation
of national legal systems new forms of legal transactions, which are often
condition for validity validity of such affairs. By introducing the Latin type of
notary in the legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the legislator separated
certain legal affairs in the area of property law, family and inheritance law, and
company law and made their legal validity conditional on the form of a notarial
deed. Such solutions of the entity laws as well as the laws in the Brčko District
that regulate the service of notaries since the beginning of their application have
caused public polemics as well as professional discussions among members of
different legal professions. As a result of the aforementioned discussions, certain
provisions of these laws, including those regulating the form of separate legal
transactions (including contracts with real estate transactions as their subject),
were subject to constitutionality evaluation before the entity constitutional
courts. The Constitutional Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
and the Constitutional Court of the Republika Srpska, deciding on requests for
constitutional review of the provisions of the law on notaries, which prescribe
the obligation of the form of a notarized document for legal transactions whose
subject is the transfer or acquisition of ownership or other real rights to real
estate, took different positions. The Constitutional Court of the Republic of
Srpska rejected the proposal to determine the unconstitutionality of, among
other things, Article 68 of the then valid Law on Notaries of the Republic of
Srpska, which regulates the issue of mandatory form, while the Constitutional
Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina decided that, among others,
Article 73 of the still valid Law on to FBiH notaries is not in accordance with
the Constitution. With such decisions of the courts, the issue of the form of the
real estate transaction contract received different interpretations and degrees of
obligation in two entities of the same legal system, thus contributing to the legal
uncertainty of citizens and investors. The subject of this paper is the analysis
of the valid regulations governing the form of real estate contracts in the legal
system of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the role of the notary as a public
service in increasing the degree of legal security and protection of parties in
contracts with real estate as their subject.



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