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Review paper


Emir Kadrić
Emir Kadrić

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


U ovom radu obrađen je institut prava građenja, koji je 2013. godine u pravni
sistem Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine uveden Zakonom o stvarnim pravima.
Ovaj Zakon o stvarnim pravima je u pravni sistem Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine
unio određeni broj novih pravnih rješenja kojima su izmijenjena dotadašnja
shvatanja i prakse u oblasti imovinsko-pravnih odnosa, a jedno od takvih rješenja
jeste i pravo građenja. Pravo građenja kao ograničeno stvarno pravo na zemljištu
ima svoje sličnosti sa drugim pravnim institutima, kao što su služnosti ili zakup,
ali se ipak od istih bitno razlikuje. Dakle, ovim radom obuhvaćen je historijski
kontekst koji je prethodio uvođenju instituta prava građenja u pravni sistem
Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, pojam, pravna priroda i osnovne karakteristike
prava građenja, te svrha, način sticanja (osnivanja), zaštite i prestanak prava

This paper deals with the concept of the right to build, which was introduced
into the legal system of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2013 by the
Law on Property Rights. The Law on Property Rights has introduced a number
of new legal solutions into the legal system of the Federation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, which have changed the previous understandings and practices in
the field of property and legal relations, and one of such solutions is the right to
build. The right to build as a limited property right on land has its own similarities
with other legal concepts, such as easements or leases, but it is nevertheless
significantly different from them. Therefore, this paper covers the historical
context that preceded the introduction of the concept of the right to build into
the legal system of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the concept, legal
nature and basic characteristics of the right to build, and the purpose, manner of
acquisition (establishment), protection and termination of the right to build.



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