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Larisa Velić ,
Larisa Velić

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ismet Velić
Ismet Velić

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Projekti u energetskom sektoru zauzimaju posebno mjesto, a jedan od njihovih
najznačajnijih elemenata su izvori u obliku nuklearnih elektrana, koje proizvode
visok procenat električne energije. Ovo prate negativne i štetne posljedice, po
okolinu i ljude zbog nastanka radioaktivnog otpada i istrošenog nuklearnog
goriva, koje zahtijeva trajno odlaganje i izolaciju od životne sredine.
Pitanja zaštite okoliša, međudržavne saradnje, te rješavanja nastalih sporova
uređena su međunarodnim instrumentima, uključujući Espoo Konvenciju o
procjeni okolišnih uticaja u prekograničnom kontekstu, Štokholmsku
Deklaraciju o zaštiti okoliša, Konvenciju o pristupu informacijama, učešću
javnosti u odlučivanju i pristupu pravdi u okolišnim pitanjima, te propisima
nacionalnog karaktera. U smislu navedenih propisa, nadležnost za rješavanje
proisteklih sporova imaju Međunarodni sud u Hagu, te Arbitražni tribunal.
Prva nuklearna elektrana na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije, izgrađena je u Republici
Sloveniji u Krškom, kao suvlasništvo Republike Hrvatska i Republike
Slovenije. Problem za Bosnu i Hercegovinu predstavlja planirana lokacija za
skladištenje radioaktivnog otpada Republike Hrvatska na području Trgovske
gore u neposrednoj je blizini granice u slivu rijeke Une, području Nacionalnog
parka prirode. Pri tome, Hrvatska Bosnu i Hercegovinu nije adekvatno uključila
u postupak odabira lokacije, a nadležne institucije Bosna i Hercegovina nisu
poduzimale konkretne radnje na način kako je propisano odredbama Espoo
Zaključak je da se u vezi sa pomenutim odlaganjem radioaktivnog otpada
moraju intenzivirati diplomatske aktivnosti, a parelelno s tim poduzeti radnje u
cilju učešća u postupku procjene okolišnih utjecaja. Isto tako, u cilju rješavanja
spora, neophodno je osigurati neophodne pretpostavke za vođenje postupka
pred Međunarodnom sudom ili ad hoc arbitraže. 

Projects in the energy sector occupy a special place, and one of their most
important elements are sources in the form of nuclear power plants, which
produce a high percentage of electricity. This is accompanied by negative and
harmful consequences, for the environment and people due to the generation of
radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel, which requires permanent disposal
and isolation from the environment.
Issues of environmental protection, interstate cooperation and dispute resolution
are regulated by international instruments, including the Espoo Convention on
Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, the Stockholm
Declaration on Environmental Protection, the Convention on Access to
Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Justice in
Environmental Matters and national regulations. In terms of these regulations,
the International Court of Justice in The Hague and the Arbitral Tribunal have
jurisdiction to resolve disputes.
The first nuclear power plant in the former Yugoslavia was built in the
Republic of Slovenia in Krško, as a co-ownership of the Republic of Croatia
and the Republic of Slovenia. The problem for Bosnia and Herzegovina is the
planned location for the storage of radioactive waste of the Republic of Croatia
in the area of Trgovska gora, in the immediate vicinity of the border in the Una
river basin, in the area of the National Nature Park. In doing so, Croatia did not
adequately involve Bosnia and Herzegovina in the site selection process, and
the competent institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina did not take concrete
actions in the manner prescribed by the provisions of the Espoo Convention.
The conclusion is that in connection with the mentioned disposal of radioactive
waste, diplomatic activities must be intensified, and in parallel, actions must be
taken in order to participate in the process of environmental impact assessment.
Likewise, in order to resolve the dispute, it is necessary to provide the
necessary preconditions for conducting proceedings before the Tribunal or ad
hoc arbitration. 



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