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Research article


Maja Iveljić ,
Maja Iveljić

University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dževad Mahmutović ,
Dževad Mahmutović

University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Vedad Gurda
Vedad Gurda

University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Bail represents one of the measures to ensure the presence of the suspect or
accused and the successful conduct of criminal proceedings. This paper analyzes
the quality of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian (hereinafter: BiH) norm for
standardizing the bail, and as a hypothesis that was tested, the statement was
defined that the bail is not well standardized in the laws of Bosnia and
Herzegovina and there is a need for improvement. The aim of the paper and
hypothesis testing was conducted through the analysis of the norm in Bosnia and
Herzegovina and in comparative law, and finally empirical research has been
conducted within the judicial community on the quality of the norm.
The analysis of the norm shows the differences between the standard of Bosnia
and Herzegovina and the norm of the surveyed countries in terms of bail. Special
differences were observed in terms of detention grounds for which bail can be
imposed as a substitute for detention, the existence of a conditional bail and some
other specifics that are defined in the analyzed countries in a way different from
the BiH norm. The conducted empirical research showed that the judicial
community is not satisfied with the quality of the norm and that it needs to be
improved, which is a confirmation of the research hypothesis. 

Jamstvo predstavlja jednu od mjera za obezbjeđenje prisustva osumnjičenog,
odnosno optuženog i uspješno vođenje krivičnog postupka. Ovaj rad analizira
kvalitet bosanskohercegovačke norme kojom se normira jamstvo, a kao hipoteza
koja se provjeravala definirana je tvrdnja da jamstvo nije kvalitetno normirano
u bosanskohercegovačkim zakonima i postoji potreba za unapređenjem. Cilj rada
i provjera postavljene hipoteze provedena je kroz analizu norme u
bosanskohercegovačkom i u uporednom pravu, a u konačnici je provedeno i
empirijsko istraživanje unutar pravosudne zajednice na temu kvalitete norme.
Analiza norme pokazuje razlike između bosanskohercegovačke norme i norme
istraživanih zemalja u pogledu jamstva. Posebne razlike su uočene u pogledu
pritvorskih razloga za koje se može odredit jamstvo kao zamjena pritvoru,
postojanja uslovnog jamstva i nekih drugih specifičnosti koje su definirane u
analiziranim zemljama na način drugačiji od bosanskohercegovačke norme.
Provedeno empirijsko istraživanje je pokazalo da pravosudna zajednica nije
zadovoljna kvalitetom norme i da istu treba unaprijediti što predstavlja potvrdu
istraživačke hipoteze. 


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