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Adnan Duraković
Adnan Duraković

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Rad je nastao kao sublimacija i presjek osnovnih instituta engleskog krivičnog
prava. Prva stvar koju treba definisati je šta je to crime ili krivično djelo u
engleskom pravu. U engleskom pravu za razliku od kontinentalnog prava malo
je uticaja na pravo dolazilo od recepcije rimskog prava i radova pravnih
teoretičara, a više je nastajalo zbog djelatnosti sudova. To ne znači da filozofski
pristup se ne nalazi u biti krivičnog prava. Common law se sastoji od pravila
koja su ustanovljena na osnovu odluka sudija koja se zovu precedenti i koji se
primjenjuju pred nižim sudovima od onih pred kojima su ustanovljeni.
Legislativu čine statuti ili akti Parlamenta i delegirana legislativa nekom
drugom tijelu od strane Parlamenta. Ovu legislativu čine statuti koji podliježu
interpretaciji sudija i ove interpretacije su sastavni dio zakona sve dok sam
Parlament ili neki viši sud ne dovede u pitanje takvu sudijsku interpretaciju.
Rad će govoriti o osnovnim institutima opšteg materijalnog krivičnog prava.
Rad je analiza pojmova actus reus i mens rea uključujuči pojmove kao što su
negligencija, gross negligence, reklessness, intention i kriterija za njihovo
razlikovanje s obzirom na sudsku praksu. 

The work was created as a sublimation and a cross-section of the basic
institutes of English criminal law. The first thing that needs to be defined is
what is a crime or criminal offense in English law. In English law, unlike
continental law, little influence on law came from the reception of Roman law
and the works of legal theorists, and more arose from the activity of the courts.
This does not mean that the philosophical approach is not at the core of criminal
law. Common law consists of rules established on the basis of decisions of
judges called precedents and applied before courts lower than those before
which they are established. Legislation consists of the statutes or acts of
Parliament and delegated legislation to another body by Parliament. This
legislation is made up of statutes that are subject to the interpretation of judges
and these interpretations are an integral part of the law until Parliament or a
higher court itself questions such a judicial interpretation. The paper will
discuss the basic institutes of general substantive criminal law. The paper is an
analysis of the terms actus reus and mens rea including terms such as
negligence, gross negligence, recklessness, intention and criteria for their
distinction with respect to case law. 



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