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Review paper


Haris Silajdžić
Haris Silajdžić

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Kroz ovaj rad prikazuje se uticaj usvajanja nekoliko zakona na sudski sistem u
Engleskoj. Ovi zakoni su oblikovali sudski sistem i svaki je doprinio onome što
danas zovemo moderni sudski sistem Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Prvi zakon koji
se u radu obrađuje je bio Zakon o nagodbi iz 1701. godine koji je donio veću
nezavisnost sudovima. Nakon toga u radu se tretira Zakon o sudstvu iz 1873.
godine i njegove izmjene i dopune iz 1875. godine. Ovim zakonima su ukinuti
postojeći sudovi običajnog prava i formirani novi sudovi. Treći zakon je Zakon
o sudovima iz 1971. godine kojim je uspostavljen Krunski sud. Krunski sud je
bio nadležan za većinu krivičnih postupaka. Posljednji zakon koji se spominje u
radu je Zakon o ustavnoj reformi iz 2005. godine. Ovim zakonom je ukinuta
žalbena instanca Doma lordova i formiran Vrhovni sud Ujedinjenog kraljevstva.
Proces kontinuiranog razvoja suda je okončan donošenjem ovog zakona.
Koristeći se historijskom metodom u ovom radu su predstavljeni zakoni i njihovi
uticaji na razvoj sudskog sistema u Engleskoj kroz historiju. Također, izvršen je
prevod određenih članova zakona i isti su sadržani u radu. 

This paper presents influence of the enactment of several acts to judicial system
in England. These acts have shaped the judicial system and each one has
contributed to what we now call the modern judicial system of the United
Kingdom. The first act dealt with in this paper was the Act of Settlement from
1701, which brought greater independence to the courts. After that, the paper
treats the Judicature Act of 1873 and its amendments of 1875. These acts
abolished existing Common law courts and new courts that were formed. The
third act is the Courts Act from 1971, which established the Crown Court. The
Crown Court had jurisdiction over most criminal cases. The last act mentioned
in the paper is Constitutional Reform Act from 2005. This act abolished the
appellate instance of the House of Lords and established the Supreme Court of
the United Kingdom. The process of continuous development of the court has
been completed with the adoption of this act. Using the historical method, these
acts and their influence on the development of the judicial system in England
throughout history are presented in this paper. Certain articles of these acts have
been translated and they are part of this paper as well.  


This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 

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