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Review paper


Mirza Totić
Mirza Totić

Univerzitet Union Nikola Tesla, Belgrade, Serbia


This paper deals with problem of hooliganism, which attracts the attention
of not only sports public, but also the largest state authorities. Although the first
example of misbehavior at football matches dates back to the late XIX century,
the problem escalated during the 1980s. This paper explains the origins of
hooliganism primarily in Great Britain, but this specific problem is further
enriched with the examples from Italy, Poland and Western Balkan countries.
England as the cradle of violence at football grounds has achieved remarkable
results in this particular area representing a good example to others who follow
her leads with greater or lesser success. For this reason, this paper provides
insight into the most important documents adopted in United Kingdom in order
to eliminate hooligan outbursts from the stadiums, such as Public Order Act,
Football Spectators Act, Football Offenses Act and Football Disorder Act. The
paper also deals with issue of racism, which is a result of integration of extreme
right-wing groups and football fans. One part of the paper is dedicated to the
problem of hooliganism in the Republic of Serbia. 

Rad se bavi problemom huliganizma koji zaokuplja pažnju ne samo
sportske javnosti, već i najvećih državnih autoriteta. Iako prvi primeri nedoličnog
ponašanja na fudbalskim mečevima datiraju još sa kraja XIX veka, problem
doživljava kulminaciju tokom osamdesetih godina prošlog veka. U radu su
objašnjeni začeci huliganizma prvenstveno na prostoru Velike Britanije, ali se
konkretan problem dodatno razrađuje na primerima Italije, Poljske i država
Zapadnog Balkana. Engleska, kao kolevka nasilja na fudbalskim terenima, je na
konkretnom području postigla zavidne rezultate i predstavlja dobar primer koji
drugi sa većim ili manjim uspehom slede. Upravo iz tog razloga rad pruža uvid
u najznačajnije dokumente koji su doneti na prostoru Velike Britanije u cilju
uklanjanja huliganskih ispada sa stadiona, kao što su Public Order Act, Football
Spectators Act, Football Offences Act i Football Disorder Act. Takođe, rad se
bavi problemom rasizma, koji je rezultat povezanosti ekstremnih desničarskih
grupa i navijačkih pokreta. Jedan deo rada je posvećen problemu huliganizma u
Republici Srbiji. 


This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 

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