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Review paper


Admir Muharem
Admir Muharem

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Ljudski život i tjelesni integritet prema jedinstvenom shvatanju, predstavlja
najveću vrijednost modernog društva koji je zaštićen međunarodnim i domaćim
zakonima. Uprkos razvoju društva, ubistva i međusobno uništavanje je
negativna pojava koja karakteriše ljudsku populaciju bez obzira na rasu, pol,
starosnu dob, naciju, religiju ili društveno uređenje. Da bi se razumjela ova
negativna pojava koja je svojstvena ljudima neophodno je istu istraživati i
sagledavati kroz prizmu različitih faktora među kojima je itekako značajna i
strosna dob učinitelja. S tim u vezi, osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje
razlika u fenomenologiji ubistava u Kantonu Sarajevo s obzirom na starosnu
dob učinitelja. Kao uzorak za realizaciju ovog istraživanja korištene su izrečene
pravosnažne presude, odnosno odgojne mjere, Općinskog i Kantonalnog suda u
Sarajevu prema učiniteljima krivičnih djela ubistvo, ubistvo namah, te za
pomenuta djela učinjena u pokušaju, u vremenskom periodu od 2005-2015.
godine. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 79 učinitelja ubistava koji su pravomoćno
sankcionisani pred navedenim sudovima u posmatranom vremenskom periodu.
Podaci prikupljeni analizom pomenutih sudskih akata su učitani u statistički
računarski program SPSS s ciljem dalje statističke obrade. Zbog nedostatka
potrebnih podataka u jednoj od posmatranih varijabli je formirana kategorija
„nepoznato“ što predstavlja ograničenje ovog istraživanja. Bez obzira na
ograničenje, rezultati istraživanja su ukazali na postojanje razlika u
fenomenologiji ubistava u Kantonu Sarajevo u zavisnosti od starosne dobi
učinitelja. To se prije svega odnosi na frekvenciju ubistava, oblik ubistava, pol
učinitelja, općine i mjesta učinjenja. Rezultati do kojih se došlo istraživanjem
će omogućiti bolje razumijevanje pojedinih fenomenoloških odlika ubistava u
Kantonu Sarajevo, što bi trebalo pomoći nadležnim institucijama u sprječavanju
i suzbijanju ove negativne pojave i efikasnijem otkrivanju učinitelja. Osim toga
rezultati istraživanja će obogatiti naučni fond i olakšati tumačenje ubistva pri
budućim istraživanjima. 

Human life and bodily integrity, according to a unique understanding, represent
the greatest value of modern society, which is protected by international and
domestic laws. Despite the development of society, murder and mutual
destruction is a negative phenomenon that characterizes the human population
regardless of race, gender, age, nation, religion or social order. In order to
understand this negative phenomenon that is inherent in people, it is necessary
to investigate and view the phenomenon through the prism of various factors,
among which the age of the perpetrator is very significant. Therefore, the main
goal of this research is to determine the differences in the phenomenology of
murders in the Sarajevo Canton with regard to the age of the perpetrators. Final
verdicts, ie educational measures, of the Municipal and Cantonal Court in
Sarajevo were used against the perpetrators of the crimes of murder,
manslaughter and for the aforementioned attempted crimes, within a time
period of 2005-2015., as a sample for the realization of this research. The
research covered 79 murderers which were legally sanctioned before the
aforementioned courts within the observed time period. The data collected by
the analysis of court judgments were loaded into the statistical computer
program SPSS with the aim of further statistical processing. Due to the lack of
necessary data in one of the observed variables, the category "unknown" was
formed, which is a limitation of this research.Regardless of the limitation, the
results of the research indicated the existence of differences in the
phenomenology of murders in the Sarajevo Canton depending on the age of the
perpetrators. This primarily refers to the frequency of murders, the form of
murders, the sex of the perpetrator, the municipality and the place where the
murder was committed. The results obtained by the research will enable a better
understanding of certain phenomenological features of the murders in the
Sarajevo Canton,which should help the competent institutions in preventing and
combating this negative phenomenon, as well as more effective detection of
perpetrators. In addition, the research results will enrich the scientific fund and
facilitate the interpretation of murder in future research. 



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