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Review paper


Haris Silajdžić
Haris Silajdžić

University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Cilj rada je da se prikaže institut nalaza blaga kroz historiju analizirajući
rješenja iz rimskog prava i kroz prikaz u zakonskim tekstovima na snazi u
europskim i angloameričkim pravnim kulturama. Nakon uvoda, u prvom
dijelu rada objašnjen je institut nalaza blaga u okviru rješenja iz rimskog prava.
Pored toga, u radu je prikazan institut kroz zakonske tekstove u Francuskoj,
Holandiji i Bosni i Hercegovini. U sklopu angloameričkih pravnih kultura,
pored historijskog osvrta, prikazani su zakoni iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva Velike
Britanije i Sjeverne Irske, Sjedinjenih Američkih Država i Kanade. U radu je
primjenjen dogmatski-normativni metod u analiziranju rješenja i zakonskih
tekstova, historijski metod u prikazu instituta kroz historiju i komparativni
metod u poređenju zakona u odnosu na drugačiji pravni sistem.  

The aim of this paper is to present the institute of treasure trove throughout
history by analyzing solutions from Roman law and throughout the presentation
in legal texts in European and Anglo-American legal cultures. After the
introduction, first part of this paper contains explanation of institute of treasure
trove within the solution of Roman law. In addition, this paper presents the
institute of treasure trove in legal texts in France, Netherlands and Bosnia
and Herzegovina. Second part of this paper contains historical review and
explanation of acts in Anglo-American legal cultures, in particular in the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America
and Canada. The dogmatic-normative method in the analysis of solutions and
legal texts, the historical method in the presentation of the institute throughout
history and the comparative method in the comparison of laws in relation to a
different legal system were used in writing this paper. 


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