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Amar Gazić ,
Amar Gazić

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ilhan Osmanović ,
Ilhan Osmanović

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nordin Abazović
Nordin Abazović

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Položaj ustavnog suda je od izrazite važnosti za vladavinu prava u svakoj
državi. Ipak, važnost položaja Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine proizilazi
iz činjenice da se na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine desio međunarodni
oružani sukob, nakon čega je došlo do mirovnih pregovora koji su rezultirali
i novim Ustavom Bosne i Hercegovine. Nova ustavnopravna rješenja su
vrlo specifična i s obzirom da nisu donesena u redovnoj proceduri, nego kao
rezultat kompromisa u svrhu okončanja sukoba, nerijetko se posmatraju kao
Specifičnost pomenutih rješenja, ogleda se i u kompleksnosti pravnog
sistema, što u velikoj mjeri utiče na razvoj i prosperitet države. Ta kompleksnost
se posebno naglašava i očita je kada govorimo o pokušajima slabljenja
Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine, degradacije te institucije, narušavanja
ugleda i pokušaja minimiziranja nadležnosti u pogledu odlučivanja, te pokušaja
derivacije nadležnosti Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine na entitetske ustavne
sudove (Ustavni sud Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine i Ustavni sud Republike
Srpske ), što može dovesti do posljedice kolapsa, odnosno urušavanja sistema
pravnih normi.
U tom kontekstu se može postaviti pitanje šta da nemamo Ustavnog suda
Bosne i Hercegovine ? – ko će biti jedan svojevrstan štit Dejtonskog mirovnog
sporazuma, odnosno Ustava Bosne i Hercegovine ? Naravno, ne degradirajući
institucije entitetskih ustavnih sudova, važno je naglasiti primarnu važnost
postojanja državnog ustavnog suda.
Kroz ovaj rad, nastojat ćemo pojasniti prvenstveno značaj postojanja
ustavnih sudova, neke od njihovih osobenosti, reći nešto o njihovim općenitim
nadležnostima, izboru i imenovanju sudija, ali i detaljno objasniti značaj i
važnost funkcionisanja entitetskih ustavnih sudova, te na kraju i sam odnos
Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine i entitetskih ustavnih sudova, koliziju
nadležnosti između Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine i entitetskih ustavnih
sudova, ali i izvršiti jednu komparativnu pravnu analizu sa ustavnim sudstvom
Savezne Republike Njemačke, zemlje koja unutar evropskog kontinentalnopravnog kruga ima slično ustavno-pravno uređenje, a sve to oslanjajući se na relevantnu literaturu i sudsku praksu. Također ćemo se dotaknuti različitih
vrsta neovisnosti Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine, ali i pokušati predstaviti
tu složenost ustavnopravnog sistema Bosne i Hercegovine kroz slučajeve iz

The position of the constitutional court is of utmost importance for
the rule of law in any country. However, the importance of the position of
the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina stems from the fact
that an international armed conflict occurred on the territory of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, which led to peace negotiations resulting in a new Constitution
of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The new constitutional solutions are very specific
and, given that they were not adopted in regular procedure but as a result of
compromise aimed at ending the conflict, they are often perceived as flawed.
The specificity of these solutions is also reflected in the complexity of the
legal system, which greatly affects the development and prosperity of the
state. This complexity is particularly emphasized and evident when we talk
about attempts to weaken the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
degrade that institution, damage its reputation, and attempt to minimize its
decision-making powers or transfer them to entity constitutional courts (the
Constitutional Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the
Constitutional Court of Republika Srpska), which could lead to the collapse or
erosion of the system of legal norms. In this context, one may ask, what if we
did not have the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina? Who would
be a shield of the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution of Bosnia
and Herzegovina? Of course, without degrading the institutions of the entity
constitutional courts, it is important to emphasize the primary importance of
the existence of a state constitutional court.
Through this paper, we will primarily try to explain the significance of the
existence of constitutional courts, some of their peculiarities, say something
about their general competences, the selection and appointment of judges, but
also explain in detail the significance and importance of the functioning of entity
constitutional courts, as well as the relationship between the Constitutional
Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the entity constitutional courts, the
collision of competences between the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and
Herzegovina and the entity constitutional courts, and carry out a comparative
legal analysis with the constitutional judiciary of Germany, a country that
has a similar constitutional and legal system within the European continental
legal framework, all relying on relevant literature and case law. We will also
touch on different types of independence of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia
and Herzegovina and try to present the complexity of the constitutional legal
system of Bosnia and Herzegovina through practical cases.


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