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ODGOVOR DRŽAVE NA PANDEMIJU COVID-19: Komparativni prikaz Bosne i Hercegovine i Hrvatske

Adisa Kokić – Hinović
Adisa Kokić – Hinović

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


U radu se nastoji objasniti kako je organizacija vlasti u Bosni i
Hercegovini i Hrvatskoj odgovorila na izazove pandemije Covid-19, s akcentom
na ustavnost poduzetih mjera i aktivnosti, osiguranje i ograničenja ljudskih prava
i rezultate državnih organizacija vlasti. Naime, cilj je ispitati da li su ove dvije
države pravovremeno odgovorile na najveće izazove pandemije, poboljšavajući
pravni okvir svojih država i osiguravajući najveći nivo zaštite ljudskih prava.
Komparativni prikaz Bosne i Hercegovine i Hrvatske je sačinjen zbog geografske
blizine, ali i činjenice da je Hrvatska u EU, a Bosna i Hercegovina u postupku
evropskih integracija. Rad nastoji analizirati koliko je Bosna i Hercegovina
pratila susjedne države i usvajala evropsku praksu. Naime, da li su imali sličan
ili potpuno različit pristup rješavanju vanrednih situacija. 

The paper seeks to explain how the government in Bosnia and
Herzegovina and Croatia has responded to the challenges of the pandemic of
Covid-19, with an emphasis on the constitutionality of measures and activities,
ensuring and restricting human rights and the results of government
organizations. Namely, the goal is to examine whether these two countries
responded in a timely manner to the greatest challenges of the pandemic,
improving the legal framework of their countries and ensuring the highest level
of human rights protection.
The comparative overview of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia was made due
to its geographical proximity, but also the fact that Croatia is in the EU, and
Bosnia and Herzegovina is in the process of European integration. I want to see
how much Bosnia and Herzegovina has followed its neighboring countries and
adopted European practice. Namely, whether they had a similar or completely
different approach to resolving emergency situations.


This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 

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