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Review paper


Amela Hasić Imamović
Amela Hasić Imamović

University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina


U radu se nastoji prikazati historijski razvoj savremenog instituta prava
građenja sa osvrtom na njegovo uvođenje u pravni sistem Bosne i Hercegovine.
Pravo građenja ima svoje korijene u rimskom pravu, konkretno u ustanovi
poznatoj pod nazivom superficies. Superficies je isprva bio obligacionopravni
odnos dugoročnog najma ili zakupa, da bi se s vremenom razvio u stvarno pravo
na tuđoj stvari. Nadalje u radu je obrađen i superficies pandektnog prava. Danas
u Evropi razlikujemo germanski sistem prava građenja kojeg čine njemačko
nasljedno pravo građenja i austrijsko pravo građenja, i romanski sistem koji je
zastupljen u zemljama romanističke tradicije (Francuska i Italija). U pravnim
porecima romanske tradicije ulogu razdvajanja zgrade od zemljišta ima
superficijarno pravo, a u germanskim pravnim porecima ovu ulogu ima pravo
građenja. S tim u vezi, u radu je dat prikaz instituta prava građenja i
superficijarnog prava u ovim zemljama Naposlijetku je dat osvrt na uvođenje
instituta prava građenja u pravni sistem Bosne i Hercegovine. 

This work endeavors to present the historical development of the
contemporary institute of right to build with an overview of its introduction into
the legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The right to build has its roots in
the Roman Law, i.e. in the institute known as superficies, which was at first
obligation-law relation of long term lease, but which with time developed into
real right on someone else's property. Furthermore, this work gives an overview
of the superficies of Pandect law. Today in Europe we can differentiate between
the Germanic system of the right to build, which is made od German hereditary
right to build and Austrian right to build, and the Roman system, which is present
in the countries of Roman tradition (France and Italy). In the legal systems of
Roman tradition the role of separating the building from the land belongs to the
superficies law, and in the Germanic legal system this role belongs to the right to
build. Therefore, this work gives an overview of the institute of right to build and
the superficies law in this countries. Finally, in this work is given an overview of
the introduction of the right to build into the legal system of Bosnia and


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