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Review paper


Belma Kokić
Belma Kokić

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Ugovor o timesharingu sa svim svojim specifičnostima i elementima
predstavlja sui generis ugovor. Obzirom da isti ima elemente kao i ostali ugovori
nacionalnog prava, te da spada u nacionalno potrošačko ali i obligaciono pravo,
a istovremeno je regulisan i propisima EU, zbog čega njegove karakteristike
zaslužuju posebnu pažnju i obradu.
Kako turizam zauzima sve značajniju ulogu u privredi država članica, sektori
timesharinga i sličnih proizvoda za odmor trebali su biti podstaknuti na veći rast
i produktivnost na način da države članice usvoje određena zajednička pravila
koja bi se odnosila na sve ugovore o timesharingu, te slične proizvode za odmor.
Upravo zbog ovih i sličnih razloga, EU je 14. 1. 2009. godine usvojila Direktivu
2008/122/EZ o zaštiti potrošača u pogledu pojedinih aspekata vremenski
podijeljenog korištenja nepokretnosti, dugoročnih proizvoda za odmor,
preprodaje i zamjene. U odnosu na Direktivu 94/47/EZ, nova direktiva je
direktiva maksimalne harmonizacije, čime se osigurava jednako postupanje
prodavaca u svim državama članicama, što doprinosi većoj pravnoj sigurnosti
kako potrošača, tako i prodavaca.
Analiziranjem zakonodavstva EU, zakonodavstva modernih država u kojima je
ugovor o timesharingu jako rasprostranjen, te konačnom analizom pozitivnog
zakonodavstva BiH u kojoj se u praksi počinje javljati ovaj ugovor sa svim
svojim elementima, zaključuje se da je isti neadekvatno regulisan postojećim
Zakonom o zaštiti potrošača. Naime, potrebno je ugovor uskladiti sa Direktivom
2008/122/EZ koju smo obavezni implementirati, s obzirom da smo se
Sporazumom o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju obavezali uskladiti naše
zakonodavstvo za zakonodavstvom EU. 

A timesharing contract with all its specifics and elements is a sui generis
contract. Given that it has elements like other national law treaties, and that it
belongs to national consumer and obligation law, at the same time it is regulated
by EU regulations, which is why its characteristics deserve special attention and
As tourism plays an increasingly important role in member states' economy, the
sectors of timesharing and similar holiday products should have been encouraged
to increase growth and productivity by adopting certain common rules that would
apply to all timesharing contracts and similar holiday products. On 14 January
2009, the EU adopted Directive 2008/122/EC on the protection of consumers in
respect of certain aspects of timeshare, long-term holiday product, resale and
exchange contracts. In relation to Directive 94/47/EC, the new Directive is a
directive of maximum harmonisation, which ensures equal treatment of sellers in
all Member States, which contributes to greater legal certainty of both consumers
and sellers.
Analyzing EU legislation, legislation of modern countries in which the
timesharing agreement is widespread, and the final analysis of the positive
legislation of BiH in which this contract with all its elements begins to appear in
practice, it is concluded that it is inadequately regulated by the existing Law of
consumer protection.
It is necessary to align the contract with Directive 2008/122/EC, which we are
obliged to implement, since the Stabilisation and Association Agreement has
committed to harmonize our legislation with eu legislation. 


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