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Haris Silajdžić
Haris Silajdžić

University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Cilj ovog rada je prikazati krivično pravo i krivični postupak u okviru
srednjovjekovne Bosne i osmanske uprave u Bosni. Rad će se odnositi na
klasični period osmanske vlasti tako da razvoj prava koji se odnosi na period
reformi i Tanzimata nije predmet ovog rada. Kada se spominje krivično pravo i
krivični postupak pod istim podrazumijevamo - izvore krivičnog prava, vrste
krivičnih djela i postupak koji se vodio pred sudovima. Pored toga, u radu će se
prikazati komparativna analiza između srednjovjekovne Bosne i Osmanskog
carstva u pogledu izvora krivičnog prava, vrsta krivičnih djela i krivičnog
postupka. U okviru posljednjeg poglavlja rada prikazati će se i period tranzicije
iz jednog sistema u drugi. Metode koje su korištene za izradu ovog rada su
dogmatsko-normativna, historijska i komparativna. Pored toga, u radu su
korištene i metoda klasifikacije i metoda deskripcije. 

The aim of this paper is to present criminal law and criminal procedure in
the medieval Bosnia and the Ottoman administration in Bosnia. The paper will
refer to the classical period of Ottoman administration, so the development of
law related to the period of reforms and the Tanzimat is not the subject of this
paper. When we mention criminal law and criminal procedure, we think of
sources of criminal law, types of criminal offenses and the procedure that was
conducted in the courts. In addition, this paper will present a comparative
analysis between medieval Bosnia and the Ottoman Empire in terms of the
sources of criminal law, types of criminal offences and criminal procedure. The
last chapter of this paper will present period of transition from one system to
another. Author used dogmatic-normative, historical and comparative method in
process of writing this paper. In addition to all these methods, author used method
of classification and method of description. 


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