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Mirsad Čizmić
Mirsad Čizmić

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Osnovna načela javne nabavke predstavljaju temelj u cjelokupnom
postupku nabavke, pa ista zahtijevaju sistematičnu obradu za pravilno
razumijevanje normi koje uređuju postupak javne nabavke roba, usluga ili
radova. Važno je naglasiti, da pored činjenice što načela uređuju cjelokupan
postupak za provođenje postupaka javne nabavke sa jedne strane, sa druge
strane predstavljaju kodeks za ponašanje svih učesnika u postupku javne
nabavke. Bez jasno definisanih osnovnih načela, otežano je potpuno i pravilno
provođenje javne nabavke, te će svakodnevno donošenje odluka u postupku
javne nabavke roba, usluga ili radova bit podložno pogreškama, što za sobom
povlači štetne posljedice. Shodno navedenom, autor u radu ukazuje na važnost
definisanja osnovnih načela javne nabavke. Pored navedenog, autor ukazuje
na dosadašnje nedostatke u važećem zakonodavstvu Bosne i Hercegovine u
pogledu definisanja osnovnih načela javne nabavke, kao i na neophodnost
konkretnijeg pristupa u pogledu definisanja osnovnih načela zbog njihove
važnosti za pravilnu primjenu, ali i za ostvarivanje svrhe koja se želi postići
kroz javnu nabavku.

The basic principles of public procurement represent the foundation of the
entire procurement process, so they require systematic processing for a proper
understanding of the norms that govern the process of public procurement of
goods, services or works. It is important to emphasize that, in addition to the
fact that the principles regulate the entire procedure for the implementation
of public procurement procedures, on the one hand, on the other hand, they
represent a code of conduct for all participants in the public procurement
procedure. Without clearly defined basic principles, the complete and proper
implementation of public procurement is difficult, and daily decision-making
in the public procurement of goods, services or works will be subject to errors,
which entails harmful consequences. Accordingly, the author points out the
importance of defining the basic principles of public procurement. In addition
to the above, the author points to the current shortcomings in the current
legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in terms of defining the basic principles
of public procurement, as well as the necessity of a more concrete approach
in terms of defining the basic principles due to their importance for proper
application, but also for achieving the purpose that is to be achieved through
public procurement.


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