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Research article


Jelena Rakić
Jelena Rakić

State University of Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, Serbia


Reproduktivna prinuda podrazumeva spektar ponašanja koja imaju za cilj
uticaj na reproduktivne odluke žena i mogu se svrstati u dve grupe: prinuda u
vezi sa trudnoćom i sprečavanje kontrole rađanja. Primarni cilj istraživanja je da
ukažemo na postojanje reproduktivne prinude u Srbiji. S tim u vezi predstavićemo
rezultate koji se odnose na prevalencu i karakteristike reproduktivne prinude.
Osim toga, istražićemo da li je veza između socio-demografskih karakteristika
i reproduktivne kontrole kao i iskustva partnerskog nasilja i reproduktivne
kontrole statistički značajna. Podaci su prikupljeni putem online upitnika
metodom „grudve snega“. Uzorak ovog istraživanja čini 196 ispitanica starosne
dobi 18 do 63 godine. Reproduktivnu prinudu doživelo je 37% ispitanica.
Reproduktivna prinuda učestalija je među ispitancama koje su završile osnovnu
školu (80%), koje su starije od 44 godine (68.7%), koje žive u mestima čiji broj
stanovnika nije manji od 10000 i veći od 50000 (54.5%), koje su u emotivnoseksualnoj vezi (50%) i koje kao metodu kontrole rađanja koriste neki od vidova
kontracepcije namenjen ženama (57.1%). Žene koje su potvrdile iskustvo drugog
oblika partnerskog nasilja znatno češće su potvrđivale iskustvo reproduktivne
prinude (65.1%). Dominantan oblik reproduktivne prinude je prinuda u vezi sa
trudnoćom a ispitanice su najčešće navodile da im je partner rekao kako ne bi
trebalo da koriste nijedan oblik kontracepcije (20.1%). Skidanje kondoma tokom
seksulanog odnosa je najzastupljeniji indikator reproduktivne prinude u okviru
sprečavanja kontrole rađanja (7.1%).

Reproductive coercion implies the behaviour which aims at influencing on
the decicions women have made about their reproduction and it can be put into
two groups - pregnancy coercion and birth control sabotage. The primary goal
of this research is to point to the existence of reproductive coercion in Serbia.
In reference to it, we are going to show the results of prevalence as well as the
characteristics of reproductive control. Apart from it, the research focuses on the
association between sociodemographic characteristics and reproductive control,
and poses question of the statistic significance of the association between intimate
partner violence and reproductive coercion. The data were obtained from the
online questionnaire by means of „snowball effect“ method. The research was
conducted on 196 female participants aged between 18 and 63 years. 37% of
them have experienced the reproductive coercion. Reproductive coercion is more
common among the participants who have only elementary school (80%), who
are older than 44 (68.7%), who live in the places where number of inhabitants
is not less than 10,000 nor more than 50,000 (54.5%), who are in emotionalsexual relationship (50%) and those who use contraceptives as a method of birth
control (57.1%). Women who have confirmed having the experience of partner’s
violence have also confirmed the experience of reproductive coercion (65.1%).
The prevalent form of reproductive coercion is related to pregnancy, where
participants were told not to use any of the contraceptives (20.1%). Removing
condoms during sexual intercourse is the most dominant indicator of reproductive
coercion within birth control sabotage (7.1%).


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