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Research article


Šejla Handalić
Šejla Handalić

University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina


U radu se nastoje objasniti pravila o međunarodnoj nadležnosti sudova u
sporovima nastalim usljed povrede prava ličnosti klevetom u pravu Evropske
unije, s kratkim osvrtom na Zakon o rješavanju sukoba zakona sa propisima
drugih zemalja koji ovu oblast reguliše u Bosni i Hercegovini. Stoga je nakon
kraćeg definisanja klevete, neophodno pristupiti analiziranju odredbi Uredbe
(EZ) br. 864/2007 o nadležnosti, priznanju i izvršenju stranih sudskih odluka
(Uredba Brisel I recast) i relevantne prakse Suda Evropske unije, te potom dati
kratak pregled zakonskih odredbi o međunarodnoj nadležnosti sudova u pravu
Bosne i Hercegovine. Zakon o rješavanju sukoba zakona, jednako kao i Uredba
Brisel I recast polazi od opšte nadležnosti suda prema mjestu prebivališta
tuženog. Međutim, Uredbom su propisana i pravila o posebnoj nadležnosti koja
se može uspostaviti po nekoliko osnova, među kojima su i slučajevi delikata
i kvazidelikata. U tom smislu, praksa Suda Evropske unije je kod određivanja
nadležnosti u predmetima klevete iznjedrila princip mozaika i princip središta
interesa, o kojima će se u radu posebno govoriti.

The paper seeks to provide an analysis of the applicable rules of the international
jurisdiction of courts in disputes arising out of violations of individual rights due
to acts of defamation set-out in European Union law, with a brief overview of
the Law on Resolving Conflicts of Law With Regulations of Other Countries
governing this area in Bosnia and Herzegovina. After having described what
defamation is, it is necessary to analyze the provisions of Regulation (EC) no.
864/2007 on Jurisdiction, Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments
(Brussels Regulation I Recast). The caselaw jurisprudence developed by the Court
of Justice of the European Union on the subject of defamation is also significant
to understand. The paper also provides a brief overview of the pertinent legal
provisions on international jurisdiction in the law of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Law on Resolving Conflicts of Law and the Brussels I Recast are based on
the general jurisdiction of the court according to the place of residence of the
defendant. However, the Regulation also prescribes rules on special jurisdiction
that can be established on several grounds, including cases of torts and quasitorts. In that sense, the practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union in
determining the jurisdiction in defamation cases has given rise to the principle of
mosaic and the principle of center of interest, which will be particularly discussed
in the paper.


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