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Review paper


Belma Kokić
Belma Kokić

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Procesni zakoni u Bosni i Hercegovini predviđaju da bi se prvostepeni parnični
postupak trebao okončati u roku od šest mjeseci. Zbog pandemije uzrokovane
virusom COVID-19, izvršna vlast u BiH je donijela niz naredbi i uredbi, a sve
radi održavanja i poboljšanja zdravstvene situacije. U tu svrhu donesen je i
Zakon o rokovima i postupanju u sudskim postupcima za vrijeme stanja nesreće
na teritoriji FBiH, koji je privremeno izmijenio odredbe o rokovima i postupanju
koje propisuju zakoni o parničnom postupku u BIH. Osim toga, stranke i njihovi
punomoćnici, koji su vrlo često bili u ulozi tuženih, ponašajući se nesavjesno,
koristile su se raznim sredstvima pred sudom kako bi izdejstvovali odgodu ročišta.
Takvo postupanje stranaka koje je, u najvećoj mjeri, predstavljalo zloupotrebu
procesnih ovlaštenja, dovodilo je do do dužeg trajanja postupaka. Ročišta pred
sudovima u Bosni i Hercegovini nisu održavana online, jer odredbe procesnih
zakona ne ostavljaju mogućnost da se ročišta održavaju drugačije, osim onog
klasičnog – da stranke pristupe u sud i iznose činjenice i dokaze. Takav propis
nije donesen ni uslijed pandemije.
Zbog navedenog, u radu će biti prikazan građanski postupak u vrijeme
pandemije COVID-19, posljedice COVID-19 koje su objektivno sprečavale
sudove da postupaju pa i u hitnim stvarima, zloupotreba procesnih ovlaštenja
stranaka, te (ne)mogućnost održavanja ročišta na daljinu. Također, ukazat ćemo
na zakonska rješenja donesena zbog pandemije COVID-19 u BiH, te dati prikaz
uporednih rješenja.

Procedural laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina stipulate that first-instance
litigation proceedings should end within six months. Due to the COVID-19
pandemic, the executive branch in BiH has adopted a number of orders and
regulations, all to maintain and improve the health situation. To this end, the
Law on Deadlines and Procedures in Legal Proceedings during the state of the
accident on the territory of the FBiH was adopted, which temporarily amended the
provisions on deadlines and procedures prescribed by the laws on civil procedure
in BiH. In addition, the parties and their powers of attorney, who were very often
in the role of the defendants, behaving unconscionably, used various means at
the court to issue a stay of the hearing. Such conduct by the parties, which, to the
greatest extent, constituted an abuse of procedural authorizations, led to a longer
duration of proceedings. Hearings before the courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina
were not held online, because the provisions of the procedural laws do not leave
the possibility for hearings to be held differently, except for the classic one – for
the parties to go to court and present facts and evidence. No such regulation has
even been adopted due to the pandemic.
For this reason, the paper will present the civil proceedings at the time of the
COVID-19 pandemic, the consequences of COVID-19 that objectively prevented
the courts from acting, including in urgent matters, the abuse of the procedural
authorizations of the parties, and the (in)possibility of holding hearings remotely.
We will also point out the legal solutions adopted due to the COVID-19 pandemic
in BiH, and give an overview of parallel solutions.


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