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Enes Bikić ,
Enes Bikić

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Almir Gagula
Almir Gagula

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


U komercijalnoj praksi u Bosni i Hercegovini evidentan je pojačan značaj
FIDIC Uslova ugovora o građenju na velikim građevinskim projektima. Nerijetko
se pri realizaciji takvih ugovora javljaju sporovi između naručioca i izvođača
vezano za pitanja dodatnih troškova i produženja rokova izvođenja radova.
FIDIC predviđa poseban mehanizam rješavanja sporova i definiše prekluziju
prava izvođača ako u ugovorenim rokovima ne izvrši najavu svojih potraživanja.
Ovaj rad analizira validnost prekluzije takvog potraživanja iz perspektive prava
Bosne i Hercegovine.

Increased importance of FIDIC Conditions of Contract on large construction
project in Bosnia and Herzegovina is evident in commercial practice. A disputes
between an employer and a contractor are not exception during the life of the
agreement, in particular in relation to an issue of additional costs and extension of
time. FIDIC introduces specific mechanism for dispute resolution and introduces
loss of right (preaclusio) of a contractor if it fails to notify its claims within agreed
deadlines. This article analyses validity of such loss of right from perspective of
the laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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