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Haris Mahir
Haris Mahir

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Pored činjenice da je pandemija COVID-19 virusa imala veliki broj negativnih
posljedica na polju globalne ekonomije, istovremeno se u toku trajanja iste pojavila
velika olakšica u trgovanju, koja svojim načinom rada može bitno unaprijediti
globalno poslovanje. Tržište kriptovaluta u početku je bilo vrlo podcijenjeno
da bi u sadašnjosti predstavljalo prijetnju monetarnim sistemima diljem svijeta.
Ozbiljan problem sadašnjih regulacija tržišta predstavljaju neujednačene
državne norme sa jedne strane i vrlo jednostavan i brz transakcijski sistem sa
druge strane koji ne zahtjeva centralni autoritet u smislu sigurnosti transakcije
nego se isključivo oslanja na kriptografiju. Regulisanje tržišta kriptovaluta bi
prevashodno predstavljala zaštitu interesa učesnika u digitalnom tržištu i može
se ostvariti kroz utvrđivanje zajedničkih normi na globalnom nivou. Rad pruža
pregled pravnog okvira kriptovaluta uz uporednu analizu predloženih promjena u
Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, Evropskoj uniji i Bosni i Hercegovini. 

The COVID-19 virus pandemic had a number of negative consequences for
the global economy, but in the during the course of pandemic facilitation of trade
emerged, which with its way of working can be good tool to facilitate global
business. The cryptocurrency market was initially highly undervalued but now
it presents a threat to monetary systems around the world. The big problem of
current market regulations is uneven state norms on the one hand and a very
simple and fast transaction system on the other hand which does not require central
authority in terms of transaction security but relies exclusively on cryptography.
Regulating the cryptocurrency market would primarily protect the interests of
participants in the digital market and can be achieved through the establishment
of common norms at the global level. The paper provides an overview of the
legal framework of cryptocurrencies with a comparative analysis of proposed
changes in the United States, the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina. 


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