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Nedžad Jusufhodžić
Nedžad Jusufhodžić

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Lokalna samouprava predstavlja pravo i osposobljenost jedinica lokalne
samouprave da reguliraju i upravljaju određenim javnim poslovima u okviru
utvrđenih nadležnosti, na osnovu vlastite odgovornosti i u interesu lokalnog
stanovništva. Uspostavljanje snažnih lokalnih vlasti obezbjeđuje disperziju moći
u državi po vertikalnoj liniji. Jedinice lokalne samouprave postaju najvažniji
segment u globalizaciji, a to zahtjeva jačanje pozicije lokalne samouprave.
Evropska povelja o lokalnoj samoupravi sadržava standarde za uspostavu
i razvoj lokalne samouprave u evropskom okruženju. Pravo na saradnju i
udruživanje u interesu ostvarivanja zajedničkih potreba jedinica lokalne
samouprave, jedan je od standarda Evropske povelje o lokalnoj samoupravi. U
državama članicama Evropske unije, lokalna i regionalna samouprava zauzimaju
naročito značajnu ulogu.
Lokalni ekonomski razvoj obuhvata svaku intervenciju kojom lokalni akteri
i organi lokalne vlasti nastoje koristiti lokalne resurse u svrhu povećanja obima
privrednih aktivnosti i kreiranja povoljnog privrednog ambijenta. Primarni cilj
lokalnog ekonomskog razvoja je na najefikasniji način iskoristiti komparativne
prednosti lokalne zajednice: lokaciju, prirodne resurse, preduzetničku sposobnost
lokalne samouprave, sektorsku strukturu i konkurentske prednosti postojećih
preduzeća, stepen izgrađenosti infrastrukture, stepen obrazovanosti radne snage,
demografiju, poslovno okruženje, upravljanje lokalnom zajednicom i socijalnokulturno stanje, itd.
Lokalni organi vlasti imaju na raspolaganju niz mogućnosti da preuzmu
inicijativu u kreiranju privrednog ambijenta. Međunarodna saradnja je način za
prikupljanje i primjenu dobrih praksi u kreiranju privrednog ambijenta. Odnosi
sestrinskih gradova mogu biti međunarodni most i za aktivnosti ekonomskog
razvoja, putem poslovnih partnerstava kojima se potiče razvoj i podiže profil
svog grada kao međunarodne destinacije.

Local self-government represents the right and ability of local self-government
units to regulate and manage certain public affairs within the established
competencies, based on their own responsibility and in the interest of the local
population. The establishment of strong local authorities ensures the dispersion of
power in the state along a vertical line. Local self-government units are becoming
the most important segment in globalization, and this requires strengthening the
position of local self-government.
The European Charter of Local Self-Government contains standards for
the establishment and development of local self-government in the European
environment. The right to cooperation and association in the interest of the common
needs of local self-government units is one of the standards of the European
Charter of Local Self-Government. In the Member States of the European Union,
local and regional self-government has a particularly important role.
Local economic development includes any intervention by which local actors
and local authorities seek to use local resources in order to increase the volume
of economic activities and create a favorable business environment. The primary
goal of local economic development is to use the comparative advantages of
the local community in the most efficient way: location, natural resources,
the entrepreneurial ability of local self-government, sectoral structure and
competitive advantages of existing companies, level of infrastructure, level of
education, demography, business environment and socio-cultural situation, etc.
Local authorities have a number of opportunities at their disposal to take the
initiative in creating the business environment. International cooperation is a
way to collect and apply good practices in creating the business environment.
The relations of sister cities can also be an international bridge for economic
development activities, through business partnerships that encourage development
and raise the profile of their city as an international destination.


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