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Review paper


Harun Lozo
Harun Lozo

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Patentom se, kao pravom intelektualnog vlasništva štite inovatori i osigurava
im se korištenje plodova uloženih sredstava i rada. Sa druge strane, pravo
intelektualnog vlasništva vodi računa i o javnom interesu jer šira zajednica ima
interes a nekada i potrebu da se pronalazak koristi. Tako se definiše da se od
nosioca patent može izuzeti i dodijeliti drugom licu koje će koristiti pronalazak
ili će ga koristiti u dovoljnoj mjeri kako bi se zadovoljile potrebe zajednice. Na
međunarodnom nivou usvojeno je nekoliko konvencija kojim se definišu uslovi
koji se moraju ostvariti kako bi se pronalazak mogao zaštititi patentom. Rješenje
u zakonodavstvu Bosne i Hercegovine je usklađeno sa kriterijima patentibilnosti
kako su propisani i u drugim zakonodavstvima kao i međunarodnim konvencijama.
Iako se patent prvenstveno odnosi na tehnička rješenja, patentna zaštita pruža se
i pronalascima u oblasti biotehnologije a obuhvata i pronalazak novih lijekova
i vakcina. Pandemija koronavirusa je dovela do zdravstvenog problema na
globalnom nivou zbog kojeg su mnogi životi ugroženi ili izgubljeni. U takvoj
situaciji se postavlja pitanje da li je hitnost potrebe dostavljanja vakcine što
širem krugu populacije dovela do toga da se pronalazak vakcine smatra javnim
interesom zbog čega se može tražiti izuzeće primjene pravila i odredbi prava
intelektualnog vlasništva. Takvo izuzeće bi omogućilo neograničenom krugu lica
da proizvode i plasiraju vakcine na tržište. Indija i Južnoafrička Republika su
iskoristile mogućnost propisanu odredbama TRIPS-a, te od Svjetske Trgovinske
Organizacije tražile izuzeće primjene ovakvih odredbi. Međutim, ispostavilo
se da bi udovoljenje takvom zahtjevu samo kratkoročno dovelo do djelimičnog
rješenja problema u snadbjevanju vakcinama, dok bi dugoročno nastale negativne
posljedice po pravo intelektualnog vlasništva.

As an intellectual property right, a patent protects innovators and ensures
their use of benefits of their labor and resources. On the other hand, intellectual
property rights take into account public interest because the public has an interest
and sometimes there is a need to use an invention. Thus, it is defined that a
patent may be exempted from the holder and conferred to another person or
company that will use the invention or will use the invention sufficiently to meet
the needs of the community. At the international level, several conventions have
been adopted defining conditions that must be met in order for an invention to
be granted a patent. Provisions in the legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
are compatible with criteria of patentability as prescribed in other countries
legislations and international agreements. Although a patent primarily relates to
technical solution, patent protection is also provided for inventions in the fields
of biotechnology and includes invention of new drugs and vaccines. Coronavirus
pandemic has led to a global health problem that has endangered many lives
and caused a lot of deaths. In such a situation, the question arises whether the
urgency of need to deliver vaccines to as wide a population as possible has led
to the discovery of vaccines being considered as the public interest, which may
require an exemption from the provisions. Such an exemption would allow an
unlimited number of subjects to produce and place vaccines on the market. India
and South Africa have used the possibility provided by the provisions of TRIPS
and proposed to the World Trade Organization a waiver from certain provisions.
However, meeting such requirement would only lead to partial solution to vaccine
supply problem in the short term, while negative consequences for intellectual
property rights would be possible. 


This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 

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