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Alija Sinanović
Alija Sinanović

University of Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Zakonom o pravima, obavezama i odgovornostima pacijenata u FBiH2
su prava pacijenata i način njihovog ostvarivanja. Osnovno pravo pacijenta je
pravo na dostupnost zdravstvene zaštite. Ostvarivanje ovog prava je uslovljeno
kako ekonomskim uslovima, tako i političkim prilikama. Međutim, poseban
izazov u ostvarivanju ovog prava se javlja u vrijeme pandemije COVID-19.
Donošenjem raznih mjera od strane (ne)nadležnih organa, te postupanjem
zdravstvenih ustanova s ciljem suzbijanja širenja virusa, te zaštite zdravstvenog
sistema, došlo je do ograničavanja prava na dostupnost zdravstvene zaštite.
U radu ćemo analizirati da li je takvo ograničenje bilo zakonito, kao osnov za
eventualnu odgovornost za štetu pacijentima. Pravo na dostupnost zdravstvene
zaštite ćemo analizirati u korelaciji sa pravom na samoodlučivanje i pristanak,
prvenstveno u postupku imunizacije stanovništva protiv COVID-19 i pravom na

The patient’s rights and the way of their realization have been determined by
the Law on the rights, obligations and responsibilities of patients in the Federation
of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The basic right of a patient is the right to availability
of health care. Its realization is qualified by the economic conditions and political
circumstances. However, a special challenge in the realization of this right occurs
at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Adopting various measures by the (in)
competent authorities and the actions of health institutions in order to repress the
spreading of the virus and to protect the health system, has restricted the patient’s
right to access the health care. In this paper we will analyze if such restriction
was legal, as a basis for possible responsibility in harming the patients.We will
also analyze the right to health care availability in the correlation to the right
of self-determination and consent, primarily in the immunization process of the
population against COVID-19 virus and its right to object. 


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